Sunday, July 19, 2009


"The world wants change quickly, but God brings change in little pieces that accumulate - then suddenly explode! Notice God's little things." (John Paul Jackson)

Often we look for the miracle moment, forgetting that the breakthrough is actually just another step of many. Rather like the seasonally dormant egg, where the visible cracking of the egg just happens to be the final step. It may seem to us that we expend a lot of effort for little or no results, but change is already in motion, preparing for breakthrough. Take a kettle of water for instance, that is being heated. For some time there is no visible evidence of the energy in action, then at around 100 degrees centigrade the water steams and boils.

The first six times around the walls of Jericho would have felt like this, lots of energy but no visible results. But the first six times around were just as essential as the last time around when the walls came down.

Similarly it can appear to us that God moves in our lives suddenly, when actually He was working behind the scenes the whole time.

Notice the little things, the little progess - your breakthrough, your answer to prayer could "suddenly" be about to appear!!

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