Friday, July 3, 2009

Cultivating Joy in Life

Over the Christmas period we hear a lot about it being the season of joy. But surely joy is not just restricted to Christmas! What does it mean to have joy in life? Does it mean we should always have a Cheshire cat like grin on our faces, even in the midst of trials?

Joy is defined as a “triumph, cheerful and a calm delight, a deep feeling of contentment.” Some have described it as “the feeling of grinning inside.” It is something that should reside beneath the surface. Joy is not happiness which is a feeling and comes and goes. It is also not based on our circumstances. As Richard Wagner once said “joy is not in things, it is in us.” As Christians we have access to a joy that exists regardless of what our circumstances are like. Jesus said “I have come that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance.” (John 10:10) Furthermore, joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and therefore it should be one of our characteristics and evident in our lives.

So how do we cultivate joy in our lives?

1. Live in an atmosphere of thankfulness
§ Rejoicing and thankfulness is an act of will and is hard in times of difficulty. But it draws our focus to Heaven so we can agree with what is true, no matter what we feel or perceive with our physical senses or emotions. Thanksgiving always brings us into God’s presence and connects us with what He is doing and saying in the midst of our circumstances. It helps shifts our focus from an earthly to a heavenly perspective and helps us acknowledge that God is more real than our difficulties.

2. Take a Heavenly perspective on life
Don’t focus on the bad, the lack in your lives, but focus on what God is doing or has done in your life.
Meditate on God’s blessings. This helps us to connect with God and strengthens our faith. By pondering His benefits we feel encouraged that God will look after us.
Remember that Heaven can invade your earthly situation and change it. We should be praying for God to breakthrough any difficult situations that we face, for healing, for our needs. We are not alone!

3. Feed your spirit so that it is bigger and stronger than your soul.
Magnify the good, the godly and God in your life.
Be discerning over what you watch. Try to minimize watching a lot of programmes about death, as well as being careful with what news items you watch. Counter them with comedy.
If a problem starts to become bigger than your awareness of God you need to retreat to God and spend time worshipping Him until He becomes the focus and is magnified in your life over your difficulties once again.
4. Forgive and forget
Unforgiveness in our hearts nurtures bitterness. It blocks our relationship with the Lord as well as with the people who have hurt us. God doesn’t remember our sins – “He remembers them no more.” We also need to forget the offenses against us. It is tandem to forgiving – we need to do both. Without forgetting we can’t forgive.
Forgive yourself and let go of your past. You know that you are holding onto the past when you think frequently about past events, criticize yourself for your actions and obsess over the why.
5. Be content
Just as Paul learned to be content, we also need to learn to be content. We need to be content no matter what our circumstances. Being dissatisfied and frustrated with our lot in life will cause us tension and stress.

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:11)

Our current situation is not necessarily our future or permanent condition. We need to find the joy and contentment in our current position, while at the same time placing hope and trust in God that things will change. Yes, there are things we can and should action immediately that will resolve some of the discontentment, but other aspects will be part of the season in life that we are in. We need to be confident that God gives us the grace and strength for our particular situation.
Don’t compare yourself to others. All this does is make us discontent with our lives and robs us of our joy. It makes us strive after things we don’t need or may not even want.


§ The validity of God’s promises rest on His character and His resources, which are revealed to us in the Bible. It tells of His faithfulness, His resources and His mighty works.
§ God is into timing. He is about seasons and everything happens in His time. When we get tired of waiting for Him and try to force our goals and ambitions, or whatever else we are wanting, to happen ourselves we end up operating out of the flesh where there is anxiety and worry. When we wait for God’s timing and then are in God’s will it is a lot easier. Don’t try to bring it to pass yourself.

To put in boxes (if room)

“Be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)

“May the God of hope, fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ (Romans 15:13)

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